

  • If my child is struggling mentally or is really stressed out, then a day off to reset and recoup is ok by me. We all have days where we are overwhelmed and have a mental health day, so why not the kids?

  • A great post and video. Kids are still learning how to tackle different things in their lives so sometimes they just need a break

  • It’s easy to forget that sometimes our kids are under just as much stress and pressure, and sometimes more, than we are.

  • I often wonder about this. I sometimes just need a day off so why wouldn’t kids as well…

  • Definitely no harm in this. And for people saying it’s a problem if they expect to continue to do it when they’re working, I think there’s no harm in that either! A lot of workplaces would be better if staff took the odd day to chill out and come back more rested and focussed.

  • Having worked in schools for 28 years I noticed many students having a day off ” for their birthday”. This becomes a habit that continues into adult life which isn’t possible at work.

  • Unless something is really wrong, if they are sick fair enough but otherwise you don’t want to get them used to having days off.

  • We do have to be careful about this . my friend’s son can have a habit of “not feeling well” and picked up on it. As a parent we still have to use our initative and treat school as if they are going to work . As long there is a legit reason , it is a valid .

  • I think school should be treated the same as paid work. You should only take time off if you are genuinely sick, have an appointment that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours, or something like weather or transport issues prevent you from getting to school.

  • Hmmmm, I avoid it. If they’re sick, if I have to do something that means no one will be at home after school or if a situation arises (eg death in the family) then time off is considered. When necessary is fine. I know people who don’t send their child because they slept in after a night of drinking :/ Or because they have nothing to go in lunch boxes :/ After a night of partying! That’s no excuse and very sad for the children

  • Yes we give the kids a day off here and there. Especially when they enter lawn bowl competitions. My children are in elite squads so they do take time off. They also can use it towards their marks. Living regional they dont get the same opportunities as everyone in cities.

  • this is exellent great

  • very well delivered in a non Judge-mental way. what a lovely lady and very professional. Thank you I liked and needed to hear the speech Development one

  • What a lovely person Sonia Walker is! I don’t think it does the kids any harm to have a day off once in a while as long as does not become a habit. Years ago if kids wanted a break from school sometimes they would wag it and boy you should have seen their red faces when they had been unintentionally found out! lol!!! It is funny how family friends often see them and tell mum or dad they were chatting to so and so the other day. Hmmmm.

  • sounds good

  • Im sorry but this is bulls**t. What the f**** is the weekend for if they need a break have your “go slow” or “pyjama day” on a Saturday or sunday. But what if they have extracariculars they are EXTRA for a reason give them a day off that instead.

  • That’s great to hear. I have got some critism for letting my daughter have a day off.

  • I rank that’s a really fantastic idea

  • Very true – given the fast-faced lives that some families live in having a ‘go-slow’ day sounds great to re-set and re-charge.

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