

  • A very informative video and some great tips that I’ll have to keep in mind for when my little one is off to school

  • I really enjoyed this video. Gave me a bit of insight and a different perspective as well.

  • Understanding expectations is really important as is maintaining a balance.

  • This can be a very tricky thing to manage. I really enjoyed this video and found the information very useful.

  • My son detested homework! I think he was only 6 when he first started bringing it home. Way too young I thought. Yet by the time he reached high school, if you got the work finished at school, there was no homework. That’s the story from my kids, not sure if I truly believe it, but there’s been no complaints from the school

  • I quit homework completely for my son two years ago, We learn through intensive play. We schedule every Thursday night for 2 hours is games night. Scrabble, Charades, Pass the bomb – All games which work with literacy skills, Problem Solving and sometimes math (construction games for eg). As they get older I introduce different things.

    I think when your at your absolute wits end you have to find what works for you. Lucky for me our teachers are fully supportive and can see the benefits. Like the old saying the proof is in the pudding. If you can show something else works your school will support you.

    My middle child just DOES her homework. Just like that. One shoe doesnt fit all thats for sure!

  • It is sometimes very hard to make that appointment to see the teacher at a time convenient to all, especially for working mums and busy teachers. As the years go by different ways of teaching occur which means that often a parent cannot help their child in the way the school would like. This topic is fraught with danger as to the possible answers.

  • Some schools encourage children to read at home. Some children can read not not pronounce the words. Some schools actually check and number their books in stages so the children accomplish one stage at a time. I know a girl who is/was a few months ahead of the average in her class. She was sent to the library to read alone during some of the lessons. Doing that the teacher had no idea whether or not she was able to pronounce the words, also exactly what stage she was at. It isn’t that easy for a Mum to concentrate on a reception / year one child’s reading and feed a newborn at the same time when Dad is at work a few nights in a row. The girl is now in Year 3 and struggling learning her tables.
    It isn’t easy to get a meeting with a teacher at some schools. They asked for one and were told there was to be a special afternoon/night in 5 weeks. They literally had to appeal to get an earlier meeting, not risk their daughter fall behind even further. There was issues with bullying which was possibly making learning more difficult too.

  • My son really struggled with homework at one stage. He was only 6 mind you. I think this is too young for homework. The teacher thought the extra work they did at home would be a benefit. This may be true, but I still think 6 is too young for homework

  • looks great

  • Good to know, my girl is only in prep but good to keep in mind.

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