Competition Popup



  • How do I create a Making HOME account?
    • We are so glad you would like to become part of our community, to register an account fill in all the details located here.
  • How do I update my details?
    • Thank you for being part of our community, to update your details just click here and follow the prompts.
  • How do I add an ‘avatar’ (picture for my account)?
    • When you are updating your account here you will be given the option to add a picture to your membership, you will find this under the heading ‘A little about you’. You need to have a compatible image on your computer ready to upload and the acceptable formats are jpg, gif and png and the maximum image size is 100KB.
  • Do I have to have children to create an account?
    • No – we have provided other options that could be suitable for you.
  • I have lost my password, how do I get a new one?
    • Click here and enter your email address for our system to send you a new password. Don’t forget to change your password to something that is easy to remember once you have logged back in.
  • I have lost my username, how do I get a new one?
    • Click here and enter your email address for our system to send you the username. It is always best to choose something that is easy to remember.
  • How do I unsubscribe?
    • We are sorry to hear you don’t want to receive our communications anymore though to unsubscribe please click here. Please remember that by unsubscribing we can’t contact you about exciting reviews, competitions or articles and you may miss out on being part of a review team. You can always resubscribe at a later date if you wish.
  • Do Mouths of Mums share my details with third parties?
    • All comments / stories / competition entries / reviews / answers are publicly displayed on our website, and can be used in Mouths of Mums and third party marketing material, such as newsletters, brochures and flyers. This company may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visit to this Website in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. This could be in the form of a testimonial or claim from the product review star ratings. Please take a look at our privacy policy which is in our terms and conditions here for more details.
  • What are the Mouths of Mums Terms and conditions?
  • I have recently changed my details (including email address), will I still be notified of reviews and competitions?
    • Yes, if you have updated your email address our system will notify you if you are still subscribed to our emails. Please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.

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  • How do I know when a new review is open for applications?
    • Mouths of Mums notify members that a review is open for applications via email and via the reviews page on our website. To ensure you are one of the first to know please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • Do I have to be a member to be part of a review team?
    • Yes, becoming a member is easy. To register an account all you need to do is fill in all the details located here.
  • Do I have to be subscribed to the newsletter to take part in reviews?
    • No, though it is highly recommended that you do subscribe to ensure you are one of the first to know about upcoming reviews. To ensure you are one of the first to know please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • How do I apply for reviews?
    • In the email that is sent to you notifying you that a review is open for applications you can click through to the individual review page and apply. Or you can apply direct from the site via the ‘apply to review’ button on the review page.
  • How do I get selected for a review?
    • To be considered as part of a review team you must have all your details updated in your profile here. Most reviews have some selection criteria which is a requirement for the product you would be reviewing. To ensure you have the best chance possible to be part of a review team please check all your details are correct here.
  • How are the review team selected?
    • The review team is selected firstly by any criteria required for the product and then it is system generated. To ensure you have the best chance to be picked as part of a review team please check all your details are correct here. It is also vital to know that the Mouths of Mums system will not select you if you have been successful and received a product to review in the past and never posted a review on the site, it is always best to place your first review (if you have been selected as part of a review team) as soon as you can and within the timeframes mentioned in the letter you receive with your product.
  • How am I notified if I have been unsuccessful for a review?
    • We only make contact the final review team.
  • How am I notified if I have been successful for a review?
    • We send all applicants an email indicating that they are successful for the review. To ensure you are notified please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • Do I have to return products after reviewing them?
    • No, unless specifically stated otherwise on the review product page Mouths of Mums like to make sure our members keep the review products as a way of saying thank you for being part of our community.
  • I haven’t received my products to review, how do I know they are on their way to me?
    • Once you have been notified that you have been selected as part of the review team and you have confirmed your details and accepted the terms and conditions of that review your product should arrive two weeks later. If you have not received the product by then, and have not been notified about a delay in receiving the goods please contact us and we will look into this for you.
  • How many reviews do I have to post?
    • Each review is individual though we do expect you to post at minimum 1 review on each product.
  • How soon do I have to place a review on the site after receiving the product?
    • Each review is individual and there will be a date outlined in your product review letter which you receive with the product.
  • What if my address is incorrect in my profile?
    • Unfortunately if you haven’t updated your address in time for the products to be sent out then we are unable to resend any products for you to review and you will miss out. The best way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to update your profile and check back to ensure it is updated on a regular basis. You can update your profile here.
  • What happens if I am suddenly unable to complete my review?
    • Please contact us to let us know about your situation and our team will be able to help out.
  • I have completed my review though it is past the cut-off date, will I still be included in further reviews?
    • We do ask that all members complete their first review on our site before the cut-off date supplied in the letter you receive with the products. If for some reason you are unable to meet this deadline we ask that you contact us to let us know of your situation. Our system looks at when reviews are posted as part of the selection basis for future reviews so it is very important that you post your reviews as soon as you possibly can.
  • Is my review displayed publicly?
    • Yes unless it is specified in the individual review. All comments / stories / competition entries / reviews / answers are publicly displayed on our website, and can be used in Mouths of Mums and third party marketing material, such as newsletters and socials. This company may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visit to this Website in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. This could be in the form of a testimonial or claim from the product review star ratings. Please take a look at our privacy policy which is in our terms and conditions here for more details.
  • How can I report a glitch on a review page?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.
  • Do I receive points for applying to review?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • Do I receive points for posting a review?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.

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  • Who writes the articles for Making HOME?
    • Mouths of Mums has many contributors to the site, each one has individually applied to have their articles published on our site. The Mouths of Mums team also regularly writes and publishes articles on the site. On each article you are able to see a bio which provides further information on the author of each post.
  • How do I get my articles published on Making HOME?
    • When you fill in your profile details there are questions which you need to answer to set yourself up with a contributor profile. If you would like to send an article for submission to Mouths of Mums please do so via the contact us page. All articles need to be approved by the editorial team and not all articles submitted will be published.
  • Do the authors see my comments?
    • Yes, the authors are notified of comments being posted on their articles and it is entirely up to each individual author as to whether they would like to respond or not. Please note this is not a responsibility of the Mouths of Mums team, rather the responsibility of individual authors/contributors.
  • Are comments moderated?
    • Yes to a certain degree. The Mouths of Mums team do their best to moderate the conversations though as we have so many on the site and due to time restrictions not every comment is moderated. If you have a query about any comment placed on the site please contact us.
  • How can I report a glitch on a blog page?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.
  • Do I receive points for posting a comment on an article/blog post?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.

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Real Stories

  • What is a real story?
    • Real stories is a place where you can share your experience with other members of the community. Be it a birth story, one of friendship or even just something interesting that happened in your day this is the place to tell it. You can also earn points for sharing your story with our community.
  • How do I add my real story?
    • Go to the real stories page and click on the ‘post your story’ link, a pop up will show up where you can type in your story to share.
  • Do I have to be a member to add a real story?
    • Yes, becoming a member is easy. To register an account all you need to do is fill in all the details located here.
  • Can I comment on other members stories?
    • Yes you are most welcome to comment on another members real story. Please bear in mind that we ask you to do so with respect and courtesy. You can also earn rewards points for doing so. All Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • Can other members comment on my real story?
    • Yes they can, you are also able to comment on other stories placed on our site and can earn rewards points for doing so. All Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • Is my story displayed publicly?
    • All comments / stories / competition entries / reviews / answers are publicly displayed on our website, and can be used in Mouths of Mums and third party marketing material, such as newsletters, brochures and flyers. This company may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visit to this Website in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. This could be in the form of a testimonial or claim from the product review star ratings. Please take a look at our privacy policy which is in our terms and conditions here for more details.
  • Do I earn points for commenting on a real story?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • Do I earn points for posting a real story?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • How can I report a glitch on a real story page?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.
  • How can I report an abusive post or question/answer?
    • If you have come across something you don’t feel is right please contact us.

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  • How do I enter?
    • Each competition is individual and you need to follow the details outlined on each individual competition page. Mostly our competitions require you to enter a 25 words or less creative answer for your chance to win the prize on offer. Other competitions you simply need to click to enter and these will have permit numbers associated with them. Please refer to individual competition pages for more information.
  • What competitions do you have?
  • Do I have to be a member to enter?
    • Yes, becoming a member is easy. To register an account all you need to do is fill in all the details located here.
  • How do I know when the competition has ended?
    • Each individual competition will have the date specified on the page. Please be sure to check back for winners details as they are displayed on each individual competition page.
  • How are the winners selected?
    • Winners are selected based on the competition entry mechanic specified on each individual competition page.
  • How do I know if I have been selected as a winner?
    • Only winners will be notified via email if they have won a competition. To ensure you are notified please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications. Winners will also be mentioned on the individual competition page.
  • Are there any terms and conditions for entry?
    • The main Mouths of Mums terms and conditions can be found here and all of our competitions fall under these terms and conditions. Each individual competitions page will have terms and conditions specific to that competition including additional details, dates and permit numbers if required.
  • Do I earn points for entering competitions?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • Does the promoter get my details?
    • Only if you have opted in to receiving further details from the promoter when placing your entry or if you are one of our lucky winners will your details be provided to the promoter.
  • When will I receive my prize?
    • Once the competition has been drawn and you have been notified the Mouths of Mums team will send across the final winner details to the promoter. The promoter is then in charge of issuing your prize. Please note this can take up to one month from notification of winning, if it has been one month since you have heard from us and you have not received your prize please contact us.
  • How can I report a glitch on a competitions page?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.

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  • Where do I go to ask a question?
    • You can ask a question for us to pose to our community via our Facebook page or on our site. To answer on our site you must be a logged in member and you will receive points for answering a question.
  • Where will my question be posted?
  • When will my question be posted?
    • Your question will be posted at our next available space. Mouths of Mums likes to ensure every question has the opportunity to gain the maximum responses to be able to help each member out. In doing so, as we receive many questions each day, we need to space them out so your question may not be posted for a few days or a week or even longer, though please be assured this is to receive the maximum responses to help provide many options. If you have an urgent question it is best to make it clear that your question is urgent.
  • Can I remain anonymous?
    • Yes, though when putting in your request for a question to be posted you must state this to us.
  • Who answers my question?
    • The questions are posed to our community via our Facebook page or on our site. All members have the opportunity to respond and give answers to questions. Please note these answers are from individual members and do not form part of the opinions of Mouths of Mums.
  • How do I answer a question?
  • Do I have to be a member to ask or answer a question?
    • No, you can ask and answer questions via our Facebook page or on our site. To answer on our site you must be a logged in member and you will receive points for answering a question.
  • Are my answers displayed publicly?
    • All comments / stories / competition entries / reviews / answers are publicly displayed on our website, and can be used in Mouths of Mums and third party marketing material, such as newsletters, brochures and flyers. This company may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visit to this Website in order to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. This could be in the form of a testimonial or claim from the product review star ratings. Please take a look at our privacy policy which is in our terms and conditions here for more details.
  • Do I earn points for posting a question?
    • No, points are only awarded for answering questions on the site.
  • Do I earn points for answering a question?
    • Yes if you are posting the response on our site, all members who are logged in when placing reviews/comments/entries/answers will receive points. All Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here. Please note you can also post a response to a question on Facebook though this does not allocate points to your account.
  • How do I provide feedback to Mouths of Mums on questions and answers?
    • If you would like to provide feedback please contact us.
  • How can I report a glitch with Making HOME answers?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.
  • How can I report an abusive post or question/answer?
    • If you have come across something you don’t feel is right please contact us.

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  • Do all members earn rewards points?
    • Yes, all members who are logged in when placing reviews/comments/entries/answers will receive points. All Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.
  • How do I earn rewards points?
    • Earning Making HOME Reward points is easy. From the moment you join Mouths of Mums, you’ll start earning points. You don’t need to do anything to start earning points – it happens automatically so long as you are logged in. You can find a list of how to earn Making HOME rewards points here.
  • Who gets the rewards prizes?
    • In addition to earning points, all members have the opportunity to win a Making HOME Rewards prize every month despite your current level. At the end of every month, we will select the members that have been the most active on the Making HOME site and therefore earned the most points. So regardless of how long you have been a member or what Making HOME Rewards level you are currently at, you can still win. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT RECEIVE THE SAME PRIZE TWICE, a member is only eligible to win a prize from one prize partner a total of once.
  • How many rewards prizes are there each month?
    • At the beginning of each month, we will promote the prizes and how many of them we have to give away. Each month the prizes will be different depending on the sponsors we have for that particular month. If you are one of the Making HOME Rewards winners, you’ll be notified by email and your prizes will be posted to the address in your profile so it’s important to always keep that up to date.
  • How do I know if I will receive a rewards prize?
    • If you are one of the Making HOME Rewards winners, you’ll be notified by email and your prizes will be posted to the address in your profile so it’s important to always keep that up to date. Please keep in mind that the leaderboard is only an indication of where you are currently placed and other members are always earning points at different times, so no matter if you think you are on the winners list for the month you may not be as someone else may be just ahead of you.
  • How am I notified if I have received a reward?
  • How do I know if I have not received a reward?
    • Those who are not top earners for the month will not be notified. To ensure you are notified if you are a winner please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications. Please keep in mind that the leader board is only an indication of where you are currently placed and other members are always earning points at different times, so no matter if you think you are on the winners list for the month you may not be as someone else may be just ahead of you.
  • When will I receive my rewards prize?
    • Prizes are finalised on the 15th of the following month as to which member receives which prize. We do our best to keep to your preferences though the system automatically awards prize preference to those who are top of the leader board. On the 15th of each month (or next working day) details for each prize are sent to each respective promoter for dispatch. You should receive your prize 6 weeks after you have confirmed your prize preference, should you not have received it by then please contact us.
  • What prizes are available?
    • At the beginning of each month, we will promote the prizes and how many of them we have to give away. Each month the prizes will be different depending on the sponsors we have for that particular month. If you are one of the Making HOME Rewards winners, you’ll be notified by email and your prizes will be posted to the address in your profile so it’s important to always keep that up to date.
  • How are members selected for each prize?
    • After the month has ended an email is sent to you if you are a top earner for the month asking you to update your prize preference for the month. We do our best to keep to your preferences though the system automatically awards prize preference to those who are top of the leader board. On the 15th of each month (or next working day) details for each prize are sent to each respective promoter for dispatch. You should receive your prize 6 weeks after you have confirmed your prize preference, should you not have received it by then please contact us.
  • Will other members see if I have been selected as a top earner for the month?
    • No, but it is possible that we will add this in the future. Please check back to ensure you are up to date with our terms and conditions.
  • How many words do I have to put in a comment / review / competition entry to receive points?

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  • How do I know when a new sample is open for applications?
    • Mouths of Mums notify members that a sample is open for applications via email and via the samples page on our website. To ensure you are one of the first to know please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • Do I have to be subscribed to the newsletter to receive samples?
    • No, though it is highly recommended that you do subscribe to ensure you are one of the first to know about upcoming Samples. To ensure you are one of the first to know please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • How do I apply for samples?
    • In the email that is sent to you notifying you that a sample is open for applications you can click through to the individual sample page and apply. Or you can apply direct from the site via the ‘apply to sample this product’ button on the sample page.
  • How do I get selected for a sample?
    • To be considered to receive a sample you must have all your details updated in your profile here. Most samples have some selection criteria which is a requirement for the product you would be sampling. To ensure you have the best chance possible to receive a sample please check all your details are correct here.
  • How are the sample team selected?
    • The sample team is selected firstly by any criteria required for the product and then it is system generated. To ensure you have the best chance to be picked to receive a sample please check all your details are correct here.
  • How am I notified if I have been unsuccessful for a sample?
    • We send all applicants an email asking them to click through and confirm if they have been selected for a sample or not. To ensure you are notified please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • How am I notified if I have been successful for a sample?
    • We send all applicants an email asking them to click through and confirm if they have been selected for a sample or not. To ensure you are notified please check your subscription settings by clicking here to ensure you are receiving our communications.
  • I haven’t received my products to sample, how do I know if it is on its way to me?
    • Once you have been notified that you have been selected as part of the sample team and you have confirmed your details and accepted the terms and conditions of that sample your product should arrive two-three weeks later. If you have not received the product by then, and have not been notified about a delay in receiving the goods please contact us and we will look into this for you.
  • What if my address is incorrect in my profile?
    • Unfortunately if you haven’t updated your address in time for the products to be sent out then we are unable to resend any products and you will miss out. The best way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to update your profile and check back to ensure it is updated on a regular basis. You can update your profile here.
  • How can I report a glitch on a sample page?
    • If you come across anything that doesn’t appear to be right please contact us.
  • Do I earn points for applying for a sample?
    • Yes you do, all Making HOME rewards point tallies can be found here.

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Still haven’t found what you were looking for? Contact us for more information or email us [email protected].

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